What I’m doing

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It’s been a busy year so far, and May is almost up on us. Here’s what I’m up to right now.

  • Book One, aka Two Metres From You, comes out in paperback in seven weeks! I’m extremely excited to get my hands on it, hopefully I’ll have some proofs from the publisher soon. In the meantime it’s available to pre-order or buy now on ebook and audio. I’m so thrilled with the reviews so far.

  • I have a call with my editor later this week about the edit schedule for Book Two, which is as yet unnamed. I have no idea how extensive her recommendations are going to be, and the thought of it needing a major overhaul is making me a bit queasy. The changes to Book One were relatively minor, so fingers crossed it’s not a sea of red pen.

  • Book Three is finished to what I call a ‘polished draft’ level, and currently with my agent and a couple of friends for reading. My deal with Headline is for the first two books, so there’s ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE ON THIS BOOK whatsoever. Christ, writing is stressful. How do you all do it?

  • I’ve got an idea mulling quietly in the back of my brain for Book Four, but I’m taking a break for a while because it’s EUROVISION SEASON. Next week I’m off to Rotterdam to join the content team at Eurovision.tv for a couple of weeks. It’s the first time I’ve written about Eurovision (or any TV, for that matter) for anyone but The Guardian, and I’m super-excited about having my articles and blogs on the official Eurovision website. Leaving the country right now involves jumping through all manner of Covid testing hoops, but I’m thrilled that Eurovision is going ahead this year and I can’t wait to be part of it.

  • When I get back, it will be almost June and hopefully the world will be starting to edge back to normal. We haven’t made any plans for holidays this year, mostly because I find booking things and then having to cancel them too depressing. Also I live at the south edge of the Cotswolds and have loads of gorgeous countryside on my doorstep. My plan for the summer (at least the bits when I’m not working) is long dog walks, country pubs and writing in the garden. What’s not to love about that?

So that’s me. What are you doing right now?


I’m off on an adventure!


Four things I’ve learned